As well as our bridge they were renowned around the globe for their high quality iron work.
I have discovered so much about this company that I ended up creating a dedicated blog to the company which I will use to show the world what they have done.
They really did put Derby on the map in the Victorian era and yet I doubt the people of Derby realise this because it seems to have been forgotten in time. Well I'm going to put the record straight here and really promote their history in a way that has never been done before.
If you have not seen my Andrew Handyside blog then go and have a look at some of the amazing things that were all made right here in Derby, they are located all over the world.
People are really proud of these Victorian items and yet we let his bridge rot.
So far I have posted articles on Fountains, bridges and roofs.
Here is a typical high quality cast iron fountain that was made in Derby by Andrew Handyside :

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