Looking into this a bit more on the Saturday I spotted that this was an hour earlier than it is normally due to start but 6.00 is what it said on all websites I had looked at.
On Sunday having googled for this event I was suprised to see that the first link to show up in google was a page on Ram Fm website that said the start time was 7.00
There was another webpage on their site that listed the correct 6.00 start time but that was much further down.
I was driving down Friar Gate at about 5.55 and could see hundreds of people walking towards Markeaton Park and thought their leaving it a bit late to see the Fireworks, and will have already missed the Bonfire.
Looking on todays Derby Evening Telegraph web version I see this very issue has been mentioned in the comments section.
I notice on RamFm website now (6pm) that the page with the wrong details has been deleted leaving the other one intact.
http://www.ramfm.co.uk/article.asp?id=928116 The page with the Wrong Details.
http://www.ramfm.co.uk/Article.asp?id=1555076 The page with the Correct Details.
But through the power of Google Cache (which is why the words are highlighted in colours) I was able to retireve the page which is here:
This page was still live online at 06:28:31 GMT.

What is strange about this webpage is that at the bottom it says "sponsored by Ramada Encore Derby, opening November at Pride Park". Well that hotel has been open for a year. When I saw that I thought perhaps this webpage is actually for the 2008 display but it says the date is "Sunday 1 November" so it has to be 2009.
No idea whats happened there but someones made a right mess of it.
So were you one of the people that missed the display?
We missed it - most disappointed. Tried to complain via the Ram Fm website but that did not work and the e mail would not send either. Total ineffeciency by Ram Fm. I have compained in writing.