Click on this photograph of some Scissors I bought from Wilkos (Victoria Chambers, London Road, Derby).
The Scissors are encased in plastic, now read the instructions on how to remove them from the packaging.
"To Open, Carefully cut packaging with Scissors".
Now hang on a God damn minute, the Scissors that I bought are still in the packaging so how on Earth can I use them to cut them out of the packaging that they are in!
Great if you own other pairs of Scissors but if your a first time Scissors owner or perhaps you broke your ownly pair of scissors then its game over man !
The packaging should carry a warning to say "These scissors should not be purchased unless you already possess a pair that work ok".
Are YOU a "first time scissors owner" or have you always had scissors around you?
Lets run with this scissors theme, but don't run with scissors obviously!
And if you already own a pair of scissors that are blunt or broken...?